Paper on assembly mechanism of Integrator endonuclease module published
Our paper on how cells can safely assemble the ribonuclease module of the Integrator complex appeared in Molecular Cell. You can find it here:
Collaborative paper on new splicing factor published
Collaborative paper with the Corn and Zavolan labs was published in Molecular Cell. The study characterizes a new splicing factor CCAR1 that ensures correct splicing of the DNA repair factor FANCA. You can find it here:
Paper on Integrator recruitment by transcription factors published
Our paper on transcription regulation via transcription factor mediated Integrator recruitment is out in Molecular Cell. You can find it here:
Stefanie receives "Elisa Izaurralde Award" of RNA Society
Stefanie will receive the 2024 Elisa Izaurralde Award for Innovation in Research, Teaching, and Service from the RNA Society.
Collaborative paper on early steps of mRNA splicing published
Our collaborative paper with the Madhani lab now out in Molecular Cell. Together we reveal that the RNA helicase DHX15 is recruited to early spliceosomes via the G-patch protein SUGP1 to check splicing fidelity and diassemble unproductive spliceosomes. You can find it here:
Review paper on Integrator complex published
Our review paper on the Integrator complex is out now in Current Opinions in Structural Biology. You can find it here: