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We study nuclear RNA processing machineries.

Our Research

We study regulation of gene expression in human cells and RNP assembly at a molecular level. We look at all steps from RNA transcription, and maturation to posttranscriptional processes. Using a wide range of approaches from structural biology, to biochemical assays in vitro and functional assays in cells, our goal is a mechanistic understanding of gene regulation pathways. Read more

Want to join the group?

We are looking for Master's and Project students to join our motivated and friendly team. Contact Stefanie for information on projects and opportunities to join the group.


July 2024 ► Our external page paper on how cells can safely assemble the ribonuclease module of the Integrator complex appeared in Molecular Cell.

July 2024 external page Collaborative paper with Corn and Zavolan lab was published in Molecular Cell. The study characterizes a new splicing factor CCAR1 that ensures correct splicing of the DNA repair factor FANCA.

June 2024  ► Our external page paper on transcription regulation via transcription factor mediated Integrator recruitment is out in Molecular Cell.

December 2023  ► Stefanie will receive the 2024 external page Elisa Izaurralde Award for Innovation in Research, Teaching, and Service from the RNA Society.

July 2023external page Collaborative paper with the Madhani lab now out in Molecular Cell. Together we reveal that the RNA helicase DHX15 is recruited to early spliceosomes via the G-patch protein SUGP1 to check splicing fidelity and diassemble unproductive spliceosomes.

September 2022 ► New external page review paper on the Integrator complex is out now in Current Opinions in Structural Biology.

April 2022 ► Our research was funded by a new external page SNSF project grant.

March 2022 ► Stefanie received one of the external page 2021 ERC Consolidator Grants (because Switzerland is not an ERC member it will be funded by the Swiss state).

February 2022external page Collaborative paper with the Allain, Sharma and Leitner labs now out in PNAS, characterizing how an unstructured RGG linker mediates sequence specific binding between U1 and U2 snRNPs during early spliceosome assembly.

December 2021  ► Stefanie has been accepted into the external page EMBO Young Investigator Programme.

July 2021  ► Our group was featured in the external page #NCCRWomen campaign, see our video below.

January 2021 ► New external page review paper on helicase regulation by G-patch proteins is out now in Biological Chemistry.

July 2020 ► Our external page paper on a new nucleic acid binding module of the Integrator complex is out now in Nature Communications.

March 2020 ► Our first external page paper is now published in PNAS, detailing the structural and mechanistic basis of RNA helicase activation by G-patch proteins in ribosome biogenesis and mRNA splicing.

January 2020 ► Kevin received a PhD fellowship from the external page German Academic Scholarship Foundation. Congratulations!

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Our lab was featured in the #NCCRWomen campaign.
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